Everyone understands the importance and necessity of working. If you don't have an income, it becomes nearly impossible to accomplish anything in our society. Each person has a view of what they deem as work, whether that is a social media influencer, a traditional 9 to 5 job, career, or business, everyone has their own interpretation of what they consider work. Although, traditional 9 to 5 means of work still prevail, due to Covid-19, the concept of what individuals deem as work has somewhat shifted. More people are interested in working from home, selling products and/or services, and thinking outside of the box in the gig-economy. Regardless of what you consider work, we all have to make an income and we want to highlight the options congruent with your journey.
Work consists of aspects that pertain to your ability to financially support yourself and family through your gifts and talents, to your job, career, or business. At Refined Reflections, we focus on helping you navigate the best course of action for you in regards to your personal work choices. Our goal is to help you narrow down what type of work is closely aligned with your personal journey. We also, partner with different companies, such as resume writers, who can help you secure the job of your dreams. Whatever will serve your life and/or family best is what is most important and it is important to note that every person's journey is different.
Using our Internal Self Cores (I.S.C.), we will provide you with guidance, options, and recommendations that are in alignment with your inner-most being. While we do not fix everything for you, but assist you as a guide to point out when your choices and decisions are not in alignment with your inner-being and what you are trying to achieve professionally. For some people, this may mean leaving a job that makes you unhappy, for others it may be starting a business, or learning how to monetize that hobby you love so much! Whatever your goals are, let us assist you today.
For work related Professional Recommendations click the link below.